Macroeconomic theory
Macroeconomic theory
Half of 1st-year 1st-semester MRes/PhD module.
Competitive equilibrium growth
Mathematics for Economics
Mathematics for Economics
Half of 1st-year 2nd-semester BSc module.
Intro to Julia
Intro to Julia
Emory University
Emory University
Taught as a PhD student, Fall 2019.
Econ 526: Quantitative Methods I, afternoon
Econ 526: Quantitative Methods I, afternoon
Econ 626: Quantitative Methods II, afternoon
Econ 626: Quantitative Methods II, afternoon
Stability of autonomous systems: pdf, LaTeX source, R script that plots solution (can be run online here)
Dynamic linear systems with constant coefficients, the diagonalizable case: pdf, LaTeX source, MATLAB code for the example
QTM 100: Introduction to Statistical Inference, lab
QTM 100: Introduction to Statistical Inference, lab